FUT2 sessions/8,364 grafts/ 1 year 1 month post-op second session

RA is a 38 years old Asian male who has extensive hair loss from the front to the crown .He has coarse and wavy hair . He underwent 2 sessions of hair transplantation .The first session was 4,334 grafts by FUT 1 hair –graft = 419 grafts , 2 hairs-graft =2619, 3 hairs-graft= 746 ,4 hairs-graft = 550 [ total of 10,095 hairs]. A second session two years later yielded 4,030 grafts by FUT 1 hair –graft = 430 grafts , 2 hairs-graft =2,698, 3 hairs-graft= 902 [ total of 8532 hairs]. Total number of grafts for two sessions is 8,364 grafts or 18,627 hairs. Below are his before and after pictures 1 year and 1 month after the second session with good result.