FUT / Norwood V-VI / 2 sessions/ 5,932 grafts

This is 48 years old white male Norwood V- VI with persistent frontal forelock, he has hair transplant many years ago at other institution. He was seen at DHT clinic and underwent 2 sessions of FUT. The first session 2,995 grafts consist of 1-hair=820 grafts 2- hairs= 2,105 grafts 3-hairs= 70 grafts (5,240 hairs) were transplanted from front to crown. The second session one year later, 2,937 grafts consist of 1-hair= 656 grafts 2-hairs= 2,070 grafts 3-hairs= 211 grafts (5,429 hairs) were transplanted to add on density from front to the crown. A total 5,932 of grafts (10,669 hairs) were transplanted. Below are before and after photos seven- years after the procedure. He was happy with the result.