FUT / 2,219 Grafts in Afro-American Male

This is a 44 years old male who has two areas of thinning hair at the front behind the hair line size 3×3 cm2. Both areas did not increase in size for the past 5 years. He was born with the high forehead. No family member had hair loss problems on both maternal and paternal sides. The patient was seen by a dermatologist and clear for hair transplantation.

He wanted to lower his hair line, restored his temples and filled in both areas of the thinning hair (See the photos). He underwent hair transplantation 2,219 grafts (1-hair follicles = 325 , 2-hair follicles = 1,417 and 3-hair follicles = 453) with the total of 4,614 hairs were transplanted on the entire area as described.

The patient returned 14 months after surgery and very pleased with the result as shown in the photos.